
Why I Don’t Want A Mom’s Night Out

As moms we are still unique people with different wants and needs. I totally understand that, BUT I also feel like there’s got to be more people who feel like I do. I love my mom friends, and the other women in my life, but I just don’t feel like I need a regular mom’s night out. Feel the same way? Keep reading for my reasons for why I don’t want a mom’s night out.

why I don't want a mom's night outwhy I don't want a mom's night out


Why I Don’t Want A Mom’s Night Out

Disclaimer: I know I’m probably going to get a lot of flack for this, but I can’t be alone in my thought process. There are many reasons why I don’t want a mom’s night out, but I’m gonna touch on a few of them. If you agree, know you’re not alone. If you don’t, that’s okay too. These are all reasons I’ve had women tell me why I need to be attending mom’s night out events and get togethers on a regular basis.

“Everyone needs alone time!”

I’m a mom. I don’t get a lot of alone time. Ever. Not even to pee. Let’s face it, half the time I eat my lunch standing in front of the fridge so my youngest doesn’t walk up to me signing, “more, more!” because she’s a bottomless pit. When I do get alone time, I like to spend it alone, or on a rare treat, on a date with my husband. As much as I love and treasure my friendship with other moms, if I get the treat of being alone, I actually want to be alone. I don’t get a babysitter often (because I’m incredibly picky about who watches my kids), so when I do get one, I’m not gonna use that rare time on going out to eat with other Moms, when I’d rather be enjoying a good book, or spending some quality time with my husband.


“You need a break from your kids!”

Nope. I really don’t. Honestly, I’m kind of starting to think that other parents just don’t like their kids as often as they want breaks from them. Call me crazy, but I’m raising little people I enjoy being around and socializing with. Do I get tired of parenting some days? ABSOLUTELY! But my idea of a break from my kids is taking a shower without them in the bathroom for fifteen minutes. Not an entire evening of leaving my husband with the kids while I go out for an evening with other moms. It’s just not my thing. I’m a socialite, but I’d rather socialize WITH my family.

This one is my biggest pet peeves on why I don’t want a mom’s night out: People invite you to a Mom’s night out, then insist you can’t bring your kids. What if I can’t get a babysitter? What if my husband works and he can’t watch the kids? What if you’re a single mom, and you’ve been working all day, and you don’t want to leave your kids for the evening because you miss them? If you’re REALLY having a Moms night out so Moms can get together and socialize, then show some grace for the Moms who have no choice but to bring their kids, or who don’t feel comfortable leaving them. Just my two cents, and just another reason why I don’t want a mom’s night out.

“You need a break from your husband!”

My word! Do you people marry men you do not like? Because I really like my husband, and I really enjoy spending time with him! I don’t need a break from him, I want a break with him! If I get any spare time where I don’t have my children, I want to spend it hanging out with my husband. Kids can be hard on a marriage, and we like to sow into ours as much as possible. I’m very independent, and I do like my alone time (like I mentioned above), and my husband and I take time to ourselves so we can have alone time sometimes (whether it’s playing a game, taking a long hot shower alone while the other makes sure the kids don’t try and break through the bathroom door, and we even take turns taking the kids to activities so the other can have some alone time at home) because that’s healthy. We both work from home so we are with each other 24/7 (which we LOVE by the way). BUT, like I said earlier, if I get a babysitter, 9 times out of 10, I’m gonna choose to go hang somewhere with him, not away from him. He’s cool, and super cute, so I like spending time with him.

“Sometimes you just need girl time!”

No? Sometimes I feel like all my life is filled with is girl time. I spend a lot of time with my sisters, my mom, and my mother-in-law. I talk to my grandmas on a regular basis. When the kids have play dates or get-togethers, it’s just a bunch of moms there with their kids. When I take the kids to dance class, or soccer, or to Church nursery it’s nothing but girl-time! No, we’re not sitting around sipping lattes or eating alone, but it’s all the same conversations. Honestly, I miss the old fashioned whole family get-togethers. I wish more families would get together with other whole families on a regular basis. Not play dates for the kids, not girls nights out, but just several families getting together (Dads included) and spending time with each other.

I get that some women aren’t as blessed as I am, and do really crave time with other moms and their girlfriends, I really do! There’s nothing wrong with wanting that or missing that, but please remember to find balance. Please remember to not over indulge in these times, and to try and enjoy this season of your kids being little and needing you so much. 

So if you absolutely feel the need to have girl’s night out on a regular basis, then that’s your prerogative. I don’t. So, call me crazy, but it’s just how I feel, and I’m sure I’m not alone. I only have so many years with my kids before they’re gone. I’m gonna squeeze as much time out of them as I can. These are my reasons why I don’t want a mom’s night out, what are yours?

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